Thursday, November 8, 2012

Motor Club Of America Is NOT A Scam, I've NOT Been Hacked, My Ads Are NOT Spam!

Okay people,

I'm going to try to make this one short. Just let me be one of MANY to tell you that Motor Club Of America is NOT a scam, I've not NOT been hacked, and my ads are NOT SPAM! Why do I say that? I say that because I've just been notified by several personal friends and family whom are on my friends list on Facebook, that they were under the impression that my account had been hacked and the posts about the money I'm making were spam............. The first thing that came to mind is "I've probably lost out on THOUSANDS of dollars if people have been thinking this"! So..... that's my muse for this particular post.

This self-employment opportunity is authentic guys. I don't support ANYTHING that is based on THEORY. Theory is not fact but in fact it is speculation. In fact, I have made a pretty shiny penny with this and I've been able to work on my OWN time and dime (I love saying that). That's what it's about guys. The "American Dream" is not about going to college, getting a fancy degree only to find one's self a Worker Bee. Did you get that "snazzy" piece of paper to work for someone else or to be one's own Master?! 18 year old High School students are actually living like Bachelors and Masters, making more money then people with "Bachelor's" and "Master's" degrees, at a 200% COMMISSION!

Bottom line guys, Motor Club of America is where it is at. It is NOT a scam, my account has NOT been hacked and my ads are NOT spam! I respectfully suggest you click on anyone of the links above or below for more information on MCA. Love, Truth, Peace, Justice, and Freedom guys!

Ilataza Ban- Yasharahla (Alatz Ben- Ysra EL)
A.k.a. => Shekels7

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