Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ohioans! In Ohio You Don't Need A Vendor's License To Sell MCA- Motor Club of America Benefits!

Peace and blessings my fellow Ohians! Shekels7 here. Hope everyone is doing well..... Guess what I just found out about being an independent contractor with Motor Club of America in Ohio? You don't have to have a Vendor's "license" to sell MCA benefits. Isn't that awesome?! I was wondering why I hadn't received any notices from TVC Marketing about not having a Vendor's "license". It actually saved me about $25-$50. Ohio State Republic, I appreciate the de jure things you do. Just don't try to become secede from the United States of America Republic. You're gonna make every Ohioan a foreigner lol. I guess that would take some heat off of the Mexicans or at least give them some company. Imagine that!

Not having to have a vendor's license in Ohio is terrific. That means you can travel, sell and advertise MCA all over the state without any hassle from State and Local officials. A business ran with less complications and hassles can't do anything but be more profitable and successful. Would you agree? I mean once you think about not having to pay registration fees over and over again, you are saving  money. You could use that extra cash on placing solo ads, which can be used to drive more, which means more money! Seems simple enough, right?

So I know some of you aren't familiar with Motor Club of America and that's fine. That's why I, Shekels7 blog about it so much. Having family in the Ohio State Republic, I know for a fact that jobs are a major issue. People are looking for work and can't find it. It is a good thing that MCA has delegated to me the authority to recruit, hire and train anyone looking to work for themselves and get benefits doing it. You don't have to quit your job and this is something you can do on the side of your regular gig to supplement wages or bring more wages in. Another great thing is that this is not some internet based business, even though the internet is a very powerful tool to be utilized when needed. It's actually inevitable. You will have to utilize the internet in all your business endeavors these days.

Okay, I guess I never explained what MCA was? MCA is the Super Saiyan level 9 version of AAA. Notice the new AAA commercials on the radio lately? That's because Motor Club of America has caused AA to lose quite a few customers in the last 6 months and they need to regain customer base. AAA doesn't allow you to be an Independent Contractor that makes 200% commission for every sale you get. Now, as a disclaimer I want you to take into consideration that I am in no way bashing AAA, as I've been one of their customers at one time or another. They did come in handy when I found myself in a few tight situations. 

200% commission? Yes! You can quote I, Shekels7, when I say "Motor Club of America" pays you at a 200% commission rate. So if someone spends $39.90 with you just 1x in a week, you get paid $80 the very next week. Who can does that? This would be great for those unemployed able-bodied Ohioans out there. 

Guys I could go on and on about this on this but fortunately I have  a website that gets you the info you need on MCA. Hopefully, if you're reading this  you'll at least get more informed about MCA by clicking HERE.

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