Thursday, November 15, 2012

LEADS Are A Sure Way For Pay With MCA (Motor Club Of America)

There are a lot of successful MCA Associates out there today. These people are consistent in their successes and they get weekly paychecks at 200% commission just for referring people to Motor Club Of America, making upwards to $1200 a week! This was something that boggled my mind starting out, because I could not fathom how people were making this much money selling the same service I was. This bothered me exceedingly, because what they made in a week I was making in a month! I had to resolve this immediately. I knew that I needed LEADS because they are a sure way for pay with MCA.

So this is what I did......

I went on a Google journey. I searched for hours upon hours on how to generate more leads. Unfortunately all I could find were a bunch of software promising to allow me to make money on "auto-pilot". What a crock of pure manure. I've had it with all this "auto-pilot" trash. Well some way or another I ended up coming across what some most would call an "Internet Guru". Sorry I can't mention his name, because it would most likely end up driving traffic to somewhere else, maybe one of his many successful websites.

Anyhow, this particular successful gentleman charges $5,000 for just 30 DAYS of  what I call IME, which is short for Internet Marketing Education (Catchy, right?). Believe you me when I tell you that the $5K was well worth it to WHOMEVER paid the $5,000. I on the other hand ended up paying just $1 and on top of that it was donated to the World Teacher Fund. I was able to learn how to generate traffic, leads, get weekly paychecks at 200% commission with Motor Club of America and donate to a worthy cause. I suggest you guys jump on that $1 30 DAY training before it goes back to being $5,000 by clicking  HERE.

Back to your regularly scheduled blogevision.....

Okay, where was I? Ah yes, leads. After finishing the education mentioned above, I ended up being introduced to a gentlemen by the name of Harvey: the Silverfox. It was definitely a blessing. The reason I say that is because once you become a member of his system, which he has coined to be "The Silver Fox Lead Factory", you are given a 100% free auto-responder, huindreds of hours and thousands of dollars worth of perpetual free online training and free advertisement for whatever money making opportunity you may have. You even have hours upon hours worth of training videos to watch on your own time if you happen to miss out on the amazing live training sessions! Who else does that? And for FREE? Did I mention as a member of this terrific system that you are also eligible to make 100% commissions with Harvey?


The info below is only supposed to be released to members of Harvey's Silverfox Lead Factory System. The links provided and hidden within the text, must be because I could be BANNED from the system.....  

Silverfox wears quite a few hats. He also is a 'Leads List Broker'. He can get you quality leads that are targeted to a specific group of people for a very low price. Would you believe me if I told you Harvey sales a 200,000 lead subscription for $20 a month?! Well even if you didn't believe me, it still wouldn't make it untrue. 200,000 quality double opt in leads for $20 a month guys! I call it "The 200K20 Plan". These leads are people that are actually seeking and wanting to make money online. Why not introduce them to MCA? We don't even have to do the numbers on that 200,000 leads in concert with the 200% commission. It's a no brainer. Of course not everyone of those are going to buy, but at least 5-20% of them will.

So if you wanna be successful, leads are a sure way for pay with mca- Motor Club of America! Click the image below. Peace!

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