Saturday, November 10, 2012

The INSANITY of Motor Club Of America Reps ADVERTISING MCA To Motor Club of America Reps....WHY?!

Maybe It's Just Me.......

This has been a major pet peeve of mine for months now. Can someone please tell me what logical sense it makes to create a Facebook group specifically for MCA Reps, only to have them advertising Motor Club of America to other reps?! I'll wait.....crickets.....crickets....more crickets. That's right people! It doesn't make any logical sense to advertise a service to people who are ALREADY selling that SAME EXACT product or service.

What do I mean? I mean how there are SEVERAL groups, on Facebook, SOLELY designed to assist in training, getting more sales, and  marketing ideas. These groups are NOT designed to be bombarded with ads from reps selling the SAME EXACT service, advertising it to one another! I've noticed that not one person in these groups have utilized the hopefully God- given common sense to drive traffic to the group in order to create converting leads. NOT one. Thing is, if you can drive traffic to a group of a bunch of money hungry people, who in actuality are your competition, why not focus on driving traffic to yourself?!

Do you see what I've just done? This particular post is now the opportunity and foundation that I COULD use to drive traffic to the Motor Club of America Facebook Groups, but I AM NOT! Willful ignorance just boils me to my core, especially when you've voiced this in a question format to said groups several times, only to get no reply. Don't get me wrong, these groups do serve a great purpose and that's the purpose they were designed for, which is training and marketing ideas. I can totally get down with that. But it would make no sense for me to drive my traffic to these groups. 

Alright guys, I just wanted to express myself on that issue. Hopefully this blog and others like it will catch on so that this issue can be resolved immediately. I truly want everyone involved with Motor Club of America as  Independent Contractors to be successful. This post was in no way designed to offend anyone.

As I've said before, if you've been reading this post and have found yourself unfamiliar with MCA, do visit anyone of the links above and below.

Peace and blessings,

Ilataza Ban- Yasharahla (Alatz Ben- Ysra EL)

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