Friday, November 9, 2012

HELP Shekels7! I've Been Abandoned By My Motor Club Of America Sponsor!

"HOW is my SPONSOR making all this MONEY and WHY isn't he HELPING me?!"

UNFORTUNATELY, all too often, I am coming across people who are saying "Help, I've been ABANDONED by my MCA Sponsor"! This is an EPIDEMIC that is running a muck. It is utterly detestable, but on the bright side of things, it is a blessing that these people are not our parents! (whew). Could you imagine if them sponsoring you was them birthing you like a mother, GETTING PAID and then they just disappear, abandoning you as an infant!? I've done my best to stay in contact with EVERYONE I've sponsored into the company. I would even call them to see how they were doing and give them ideas on how to be more successful. For more info on MCA click here ------> MAKE MONEY WEEKLY!

Guys, I too came into this opportunity running as soon as my feet hit the ground. I didn't even know that the person whom you purchased your membership from was supposed to GUIDE you and assist your growth with this company. As a matter of fact, I had spoken on the phone with him directly after I came into the "fold". I can't remember much contact after that until recently and I've been selling memberships since July of 2012 (It could be 2013 and beyond by the time you're reading this.). 

I remember becoming so frustrated because my Motor Club of America sales were coming in a little slower than what I was used to, that I had no choice but to contact my sponsor to see what strategies he was using  to be so successful. I mean this guy was pulling in over 7K a month. His MCA website, right now is worth almost $50K and its only been up since May or June of 2012! Now that I think about, if he's making that kind of money, maybe he was TOO busy to reply to my request for tutorship. I mean, I did pay him hard earned money. Anyhow, he never replied to the message I sent him. Don't get me wrong, I have no hard feelings towards him whatsoever and have had some minute communication with him recently.

For more info on MCA click here ------> MAKE MONEY WEEKLY!

So lets get to some solution and resolution here today. There are ways to combat and ward off the effects of being abandoned by you your sponsor. Let me name a few of the sources for the medicinal remedies I've come across that have assisted me in being even more successful. For example, you can find tips and tricks videos on, help groups on facebook and even I myself, Shekels7. Two weeks ago I just had a gentlemen call me from Florida because he saw one of my videos on youtube. See?! There goes a tip right there. If you haven't yet, I suggest you start to post videos on about what you're doing so you get people interested. I'd be more than happy to give the links to the facebook help groups, for a reasonable trade of which I'm sure you will not refuse. Sound good? Great! 

For more info on MCA click here ------> MAKE MONEY WEEKLY!

Ok, so what I need you for you to do is go to my MCA- Motor Club of America fan page by clicking
here ------> Shekels7 MCA Fanpage. Once you do that, I need you to leave a comment on this blog stating that you've liked my fan page, and I'll invite you into the facebook help groups. Also as another bonus. I will induct you into my secret facebook group which is riddled with all types of tips, tricks, and services to increase your success with and never ever have to say "HELP Shekels7! I've Been Abandoned By My Motor Club Of America Sponsor"! Again, you've been reading this blog post and are unfamiliar with what I've been talking about, I suggest you click here ------> MAKE MONEY WEEKLY!. Go ahead and click the link. What do you have to lose by doing such a thing lol?

Peace and blessings,
Ilataza Ban- Yasharahla
A.k.a. Shekels7
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