Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Wonder If Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Have MCA Memberships Through Motor Club of America.....

I can guarantee that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney at least have a Motor Club membership with AAA. Though I find it to not be so republican for one to NOT have a membership with MCA- Motor Club of America. Why? Because if you vote for a man who CANNOT see how much better MCA is than AAA, then he shouldn't be in the White House.... Just kidding guys. I know there are more serious issues at hand then what motor club membership the President of the United States has. But seriously, if I were anyone of the 2 Presidential candidates, I would vote for MCA. It's a simple no brainer. Look at the image below as to why MCA is a better choice.

As you can see, even the AAA Premier membership has NOTHING on MCA's smallest package, which is the Total Security plan for $19.95 per month at $239.40 per year. Yes I know! That's ALMOST $100 more than what AAA charges, but why is that? Well one reason is that MCA offers much more than AAA and is LESS RESTRICTIVE! What do I mean by that? Well..... "images speak a thousand words"!

Look at those benefits! That's why over 7,000,000 people are members of MCA, including some of North America's favorite celebrities of whom I won't name. That information is ONLY privy to those whom act and vote to be members of our club........ No, we are not a secret society! I do own and wear a fez though.... Does that count?


Now, even if the Presidential candidates didn't have an MCA membership, this is something I'm sure they could appreciate that Motor Club of America offers its members the chance at a SELF EMPLOYMENT opportunity! MCA in concert with TVC Marketing pays Motor Club of America member 200% COMMISSION just for selling memberships! YES! TWO HUN - DRED PER - CENT (200%)! This is how it works. If you sell the smallest MCA membership package at $39.90 ($19.95 for 1st and last months), you would get paid $80 the very next week on Friday. Let me give you more of a visual breakdown on the amazing earning potential that comes with being an MCA associate!

Now that should have bells ringing in the halls of the White House, right? Mitt Romney seems to be a very industrious guy. Hey maybe he would be willing to finance your business........ I have NO doubt that President Barack Obama would endorse something like this. I know I would rather run a country of self employed people than have to wrestle with the UNEMPLOYMENT monster like my predecessors before me. Just sayin'..........

Alright guys I'm out........ 

Don't forget to follow me on TWITTER!


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