Monday, November 5, 2012

MCA- Motor Club of America Is A Great Biz Op For Industrious Moors!

Islam (שלום) brothers and sisters.

I am Alatz Ben Ysra EL (Ilataza Ban- Yasharahla). I wish you all Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. As you can see, this particular blog is specifically for you Moors! I, YOUR brother, have a grand business opportunity for you all. It is an AUTHENTIC Self- Employment biz op with a company that has been established since 1926. This company pays out at an uncanny 200% commission rate! Sounds "too good to be true" right? Well let me show you something.

The image above is the very first check I received from TVC Marketing for selling someone a membership to MCA- Motor Club Of America. The membership costed $39.90, which covered the first and last months of service for $19.95 and subsequently $19.95 each month from there on. Therefore I made $80 minus a $3 processing fee, resulting in the $77 check above. That is 200% commission! I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the check above has been deposited and cashed without any legal repercussion thereafter.

TVC Marketing? MCA? Motor Club of America? Yes my dear Moor. TVC Marketing is the company that pays you weekly paychecks every week. We like to call it Double Up Fridays or Double Up Friday, Friday being our payday. When the checks started rolling in on a weekly basis for me, I found no reason to reapply for a job working for and under someone else. that's why tis is great for those of us whom have found ourselves unemployed! I've been doing this since June or July of 2012 and have been without a 9-5 since!

Now this is not a "get rich quick - pyramid scheme", though there are people making exponentially more than I am several times over. What I'm saying is that I've been able to maintain the same lifestyle i had when I was employed full-time. When I think about it, I can't complain because I work on my own time and dime. Let me give you an example how it works when you do the math.

Now what Moorish American in his right mind would pass up an opportunity like this!? Did not Prophet Noble Drew Ali tell us Moors to be INDUSTRIOUS? I didn't make that much at my last J.O.B. and was on the Management Team. If you don't wanna read on I suggest you click on the link below for more information.

Another great thing about MCA is that when you become a Member-Associate, you receive online training, including a WEBITE, SQUEEZE PAGE, AUTORESPONDER SYSTEM and access to a SECRET Motor Club Of America Facebook Group, all valued at over $10,097 totally FREE! So.............

P.S. I would deeply appreciate if you followed me on twitter => @Shekels7

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