Wednesday, November 7, 2012

MCA - Motor Club of America: The Shekels Are Looking YOU Right In The Mouth!


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You know what really grinds my gear? The ass-backwards mentality people have today! All I hear people do is complain, complain, complain about how they don't have a job, but they sure do have BILL$, with NO MONEY and MO' PROBLEMS. It's strange that these same people have been introduced to Motor Club Of America and have witnessed myself as living proof of what being an MCA representative can do for you financially, yet they've taken no action whatsoever. Its not as complicated as people are making it, especially when you have 18 year old High School Seniors pulling in $500-$2,000 a week, making MORE than their parents. The earning projections are realistic and factual but success levels depend on the person, just as in any other endeavor you take on.

I spent $39.90 to start and I've made thousands since. I started out making a 16 year old's McDonald's check when I first started, WITHOUT actually working there, working my OWN hours. Wouldn't you rather make McDonald's money without having to work at McDonald's, dealing with the stresses that come with working at fast food establishments?! I know I would and could show you another 3,000 plus people who would tell you the exact same thing! Can you say the same? I seriously, seriously doubt it my friend, and I say that with all due respect. I'm not even saying that you work at a fast food establishment. For all I may be filthy and wickedly rich. Maybe this Blog is not in your lane for that exact reason. You are more than welcome to continue reading though.

With Motor Club of America you are GUARANTEED 200% commission for ever sale. Some call the sales "referrals". Either way, a $40 sale/referral makes you $80. You make 3 $40 sales/referrals in one week and that's $320. I started out making $160 a week and it gradually increased to what one would make working full time at $11 per hour, on my OWN time and dime. Let me tell ya...... I'm no salesman! Thank whomever you consider to be God for creating the internet lol. It has been a very resourceful tool that has not costed me one red cent to utilize. I make money by socializing on Facebook. Its just that simple. You can make money doing what millions love to do. What is that? Sit on Facebook ALL day lol. It's almost like that one commercial where The Shekels Are Looking YOU Right In The Mouth!

I don't know. Maybe I'm the one with the issue here. It was just a quick thought I had. I don't wanna take up too much of your time, ranting about how I've made what I usually make in a year in 5 months. That type of stuff is only relevant and hot when a 35 year old rapper, going on 36, with a 3rd grade reading level and mediocre rhyme patterns says it. Why is it okay for OTHERS to HAVE BETTER and DO BETTER than you, tell you about it in a senseless rhyme pattern, you like it, love it, agree with it, yet do NOTHING to change it? How can you be broke, struggling and listen to some wack rapper tell you how good he is doing financially? Are people really that WILLFULLY ignorant today?! But if I've managed to pique your interest, you should really give Motor Club Of America a look. Hell, just help me drive some traffic to my website for e-commerce's sake!

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Shalom ve berakuth!

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