Saturday, February 2, 2013

millions upon millions upon millions of jobs are disappearing right before our very eyes

Making money online is the way to go as I watch millions and millions and millions upon millions of jobs disappear. People find the disappearance of jobs to be an issue because they have found a sickening comfort in working for someone else. It still shows dependency on something other than self that you cannot necessarily rely on. What do you do when the company you rely on, the company who has given you some type of financial security just shuts down? Motor Club of America

Friday, February 1, 2013

Its Cold Out!

Good afternoon everyone. If you are in Northeast Ohio you know its cold out. In this type of weather its always good to be prepared if you automobile breaks down on the road. That's why we suggest MCA- MOTOR CLUB OF AMERICA. They've been providing superior motor club benefits since 1926, a proud competitor of AAA. For more info visit

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ohioans! In Ohio You Don't Need A Vendor's License To Sell MCA- Motor Club of America Benefits!

Peace and blessings my fellow Ohians! Shekels7 here. Hope everyone is doing well..... Guess what I just found out about being an independent contractor with Motor Club of America in Ohio? You don't have to have a Vendor's "license" to sell MCA benefits. Isn't that awesome?! I was wondering why I hadn't received any notices from TVC Marketing about not having a Vendor's "license". It actually saved me about $25-$50. Ohio State Republic, I appreciate the de jure things you do. Just don't try to become secede from the United States of America Republic. You're gonna make every Ohioan a foreigner lol. I guess that would take some heat off of the Mexicans or at least give them some company. Imagine that!

Not having to have a vendor's license in Ohio is terrific. That means you can travel, sell and advertise MCA all over the state without any hassle from State and Local officials. A business ran with less complications and hassles can't do anything but be more profitable and successful. Would you agree? I mean once you think about not having to pay registration fees over and over again, you are saving  money. You could use that extra cash on placing solo ads, which can be used to drive more, which means more money! Seems simple enough, right?

So I know some of you aren't familiar with Motor Club of America and that's fine. That's why I, Shekels7 blog about it so much. Having family in the Ohio State Republic, I know for a fact that jobs are a major issue. People are looking for work and can't find it. It is a good thing that MCA has delegated to me the authority to recruit, hire and train anyone looking to work for themselves and get benefits doing it. You don't have to quit your job and this is something you can do on the side of your regular gig to supplement wages or bring more wages in. Another great thing is that this is not some internet based business, even though the internet is a very powerful tool to be utilized when needed. It's actually inevitable. You will have to utilize the internet in all your business endeavors these days.

Okay, I guess I never explained what MCA was? MCA is the Super Saiyan level 9 version of AAA. Notice the new AAA commercials on the radio lately? That's because Motor Club of America has caused AA to lose quite a few customers in the last 6 months and they need to regain customer base. AAA doesn't allow you to be an Independent Contractor that makes 200% commission for every sale you get. Now, as a disclaimer I want you to take into consideration that I am in no way bashing AAA, as I've been one of their customers at one time or another. They did come in handy when I found myself in a few tight situations. 

200% commission? Yes! You can quote I, Shekels7, when I say "Motor Club of America" pays you at a 200% commission rate. So if someone spends $39.90 with you just 1x in a week, you get paid $80 the very next week. Who can does that? This would be great for those unemployed able-bodied Ohioans out there. 

Guys I could go on and on about this on this but fortunately I have  a website that gets you the info you need on MCA. Hopefully, if you're reading this  you'll at least get more informed about MCA by clicking HERE.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Double Up Fridays Can Make Great Weekends For High School Students With MCA- Motor Club of America.....Get Cash In Class!


FOLLOW ME..............

Double up Fridays can make great weekends for High School students? Yes! Let me tell you why and how. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I am Ilataza Ban- Yasharahla, also known as "Shekels7" and I'm a self-employed independent contractor for a company by the name of MCA, which is short for Motor Club Of America. Motor Club Of America (MCA) is a company much like AAA but better. I'm sure you are familiar with AAA, therefore MCA shouldn't be so alien to you. Shall we continue? 

This great company that I speak of has been established since 1926, providing the impeccable roadside assistance and other great benefits to its members. These great benefits were once only offered up to truck drivers but has now been extended to any and everyone who lives in North America, including the neighboring country Canada. So like me when I first heard of MCA, I'm sure AAA would sound like the better company to go with. Why? Because they've been numero uno for years just by name itself! So let's see what AAA offers compares to Motor Club of America. Please look below.

Motor Club of America is obviously the better company!

MCA is is superior to AAA

So are you feeling a little more familiar with Motor Club of America now? Great! Because those same benefits are what you would be referring or selling to other people, getting paid at a 200% COMMISSION RATE, every Friday on the clock. We like to call it "Double Up Fridays"! Well of would be my pleasure to explain why we call it "Double Up Fridays"! 


Once you become a member of MCA you are eligible to become an independent contractor for them, working YOUR OWN hours, as little or as much as you want. You could literally get "MCA cash in class". "SO how do I become a member and how MUCH does it cost"? Great question. You can start by clicking HEREIn order to become a member of Motor Club of America you  must FIRST pay for the 1st and last month of your service, which comes to $39.90 at $19.95 per month. Once you are signed up you are prompted to fill out the "Associates" form. Put in all the proper information and voila you're done! Once you have completed the associates form, you are given a personal website and link to that  website, to send people to in order to process payments for their MCA memberships. Your web address would look something like That simple......

Now here is the "kicker"; Once they process their membership payment of $39.90 on your personal website, you receive an $80- 200% commission check the very next Friday. So basically, they spend $40 and you get $80 at a 200% commission rate the very next Friday, hence "DOUBLE UP FRIDAYS"!  Now if you sale 3 of those a week you are making $240. Now with the assistance of the internet, you can get cash while you sit in class. Allow me to make it a little more visually simple for you, OR you can get more information by clicking HERE. If not, please continue to read on. It would be my pleasure to keep you in my presence lol.


Now I know you're wondering "How do I get people to buy"? Simple. You do what I do. What is it that I do? I utilize things like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Craigslist, Youtube, classified ads, online classified ads, flyers and even cold calls. Whatever gets the sale. Usually I explain the great benefits that MCA offers but what people really want to do today is make money, especially if they can make it not having to work a full-time or part-time job on someone else's time and dime. So I make it my business to explain to them I get paid 200% commission for referring them to MCA. That usually piques their interest.

Yes! As a High School student. whether Sophomore, Junior or Senior, as long as you're 18 years of age, YOU too can take part in "Double Up Fridays", get weekly paychecks, every Friday, making it a great weekend, every weekend! Who wouldn't want to  get MCA cash in class? This is something you know YOU need. Just think about it. You may even be one of the millions upon millions that spend most of their time on Facebook as a recent study has shown. If you are on of those millions of people, you might as well get paid for staring at the screen like someone being abducted by an UFO, stuck in the trance of the light beam lol, right? Of course.

That's RIGHT! The same money you may or may not be making at that terrible fast food place, store at the mall or cubicle you work in; you could be making MCA CASH IN CLASS just from posting ads online! That leaves you with more time to do what you want, while your friends have to RUSH off to their jobs after school.You no longer have to deal with the stresses that come with those crappy fast food and mall jobs, which ALWAYS involves being UNDERPAID and OVER-TAXED, even at your young age. Why deal with that when you can get MCA cash in class? Eventually your friends are gonna want in and then you'll be the man..... or woman lol. Anyone with eyes can't help but see the "Financial Metamorphosis" that you are going to go through.

Wouldn't it be cool to make some extra cash before you graduate, walk down the aisle ALREADY a young ENTREPRENEUR, ready to take on the world? That way there is that little cushion there for the summer or even while your attending college full time. Well Motor Club of America can help you achieve that. ---> CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!<--- span="span">

MCA offers great online training and there are plenty of Motor Club of America Facebook Community Groups that offer all kinds of great support and tips and tricks. I have picked up a few tips and tricks of my own to provide you with. I will most definitely be there to assist you in your growth, as I would be your sponsor. I'll even provide you with a must-have system that is valued at over $2097 totally FREE. How does that sound?

If all this sounds good, and you wanna be apart of "Double Up Fridays", get MCA cash while you sit in class, at 200% commission, and get weekly paychecks I suggest you take IMMEDIATE action and start making money TODAY so that you have a check in the mail this coming Friday. That way you can be on YOUR way to making MORE money than your boring old teacher, getting MCA cash while you sit in class! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

LEADS Are A Sure Way For Pay With MCA (Motor Club Of America)

There are a lot of successful MCA Associates out there today. These people are consistent in their successes and they get weekly paychecks at 200% commission just for referring people to Motor Club Of America, making upwards to $1200 a week! This was something that boggled my mind starting out, because I could not fathom how people were making this much money selling the same service I was. This bothered me exceedingly, because what they made in a week I was making in a month! I had to resolve this immediately. I knew that I needed LEADS because they are a sure way for pay with MCA.

So this is what I did......

I went on a Google journey. I searched for hours upon hours on how to generate more leads. Unfortunately all I could find were a bunch of software promising to allow me to make money on "auto-pilot". What a crock of pure manure. I've had it with all this "auto-pilot" trash. Well some way or another I ended up coming across what some most would call an "Internet Guru". Sorry I can't mention his name, because it would most likely end up driving traffic to somewhere else, maybe one of his many successful websites.

Anyhow, this particular successful gentleman charges $5,000 for just 30 DAYS of  what I call IME, which is short for Internet Marketing Education (Catchy, right?). Believe you me when I tell you that the $5K was well worth it to WHOMEVER paid the $5,000. I on the other hand ended up paying just $1 and on top of that it was donated to the World Teacher Fund. I was able to learn how to generate traffic, leads, get weekly paychecks at 200% commission with Motor Club of America and donate to a worthy cause. I suggest you guys jump on that $1 30 DAY training before it goes back to being $5,000 by clicking  HERE.

Back to your regularly scheduled blogevision.....

Okay, where was I? Ah yes, leads. After finishing the education mentioned above, I ended up being introduced to a gentlemen by the name of Harvey: the Silverfox. It was definitely a blessing. The reason I say that is because once you become a member of his system, which he has coined to be "The Silver Fox Lead Factory", you are given a 100% free auto-responder, huindreds of hours and thousands of dollars worth of perpetual free online training and free advertisement for whatever money making opportunity you may have. You even have hours upon hours worth of training videos to watch on your own time if you happen to miss out on the amazing live training sessions! Who else does that? And for FREE? Did I mention as a member of this terrific system that you are also eligible to make 100% commissions with Harvey?


The info below is only supposed to be released to members of Harvey's Silverfox Lead Factory System. The links provided and hidden within the text, must be because I could be BANNED from the system.....  

Silverfox wears quite a few hats. He also is a 'Leads List Broker'. He can get you quality leads that are targeted to a specific group of people for a very low price. Would you believe me if I told you Harvey sales a 200,000 lead subscription for $20 a month?! Well even if you didn't believe me, it still wouldn't make it untrue. 200,000 quality double opt in leads for $20 a month guys! I call it "The 200K20 Plan". These leads are people that are actually seeking and wanting to make money online. Why not introduce them to MCA? We don't even have to do the numbers on that 200,000 leads in concert with the 200% commission. It's a no brainer. Of course not everyone of those are going to buy, but at least 5-20% of them will.

So if you wanna be successful, leads are a sure way for pay with mca- Motor Club of America! Click the image below. Peace!

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

The INSANITY of Motor Club Of America Reps ADVERTISING MCA To Motor Club of America Reps....WHY?!

Maybe It's Just Me.......

This has been a major pet peeve of mine for months now. Can someone please tell me what logical sense it makes to create a Facebook group specifically for MCA Reps, only to have them advertising Motor Club of America to other reps?! I'll wait.....crickets.....crickets....more crickets. That's right people! It doesn't make any logical sense to advertise a service to people who are ALREADY selling that SAME EXACT product or service.

What do I mean? I mean how there are SEVERAL groups, on Facebook, SOLELY designed to assist in training, getting more sales, and  marketing ideas. These groups are NOT designed to be bombarded with ads from reps selling the SAME EXACT service, advertising it to one another! I've noticed that not one person in these groups have utilized the hopefully God- given common sense to drive traffic to the group in order to create converting leads. NOT one. Thing is, if you can drive traffic to a group of a bunch of money hungry people, who in actuality are your competition, why not focus on driving traffic to yourself?!

Do you see what I've just done? This particular post is now the opportunity and foundation that I COULD use to drive traffic to the Motor Club of America Facebook Groups, but I AM NOT! Willful ignorance just boils me to my core, especially when you've voiced this in a question format to said groups several times, only to get no reply. Don't get me wrong, these groups do serve a great purpose and that's the purpose they were designed for, which is training and marketing ideas. I can totally get down with that. But it would make no sense for me to drive my traffic to these groups. 

Alright guys, I just wanted to express myself on that issue. Hopefully this blog and others like it will catch on so that this issue can be resolved immediately. I truly want everyone involved with Motor Club of America as  Independent Contractors to be successful. This post was in no way designed to offend anyone.

As I've said before, if you've been reading this post and have found yourself unfamiliar with MCA, do visit anyone of the links above and below.

Peace and blessings,

Ilataza Ban- Yasharahla (Alatz Ben- Ysra EL)

Friday, November 9, 2012

HELP Shekels7! I've Been Abandoned By My Motor Club Of America Sponsor!

"HOW is my SPONSOR making all this MONEY and WHY isn't he HELPING me?!"

UNFORTUNATELY, all too often, I am coming across people who are saying "Help, I've been ABANDONED by my MCA Sponsor"! This is an EPIDEMIC that is running a muck. It is utterly detestable, but on the bright side of things, it is a blessing that these people are not our parents! (whew). Could you imagine if them sponsoring you was them birthing you like a mother, GETTING PAID and then they just disappear, abandoning you as an infant!? I've done my best to stay in contact with EVERYONE I've sponsored into the company. I would even call them to see how they were doing and give them ideas on how to be more successful. For more info on MCA click here ------> MAKE MONEY WEEKLY!

Guys, I too came into this opportunity running as soon as my feet hit the ground. I didn't even know that the person whom you purchased your membership from was supposed to GUIDE you and assist your growth with this company. As a matter of fact, I had spoken on the phone with him directly after I came into the "fold". I can't remember much contact after that until recently and I've been selling memberships since July of 2012 (It could be 2013 and beyond by the time you're reading this.). 

I remember becoming so frustrated because my Motor Club of America sales were coming in a little slower than what I was used to, that I had no choice but to contact my sponsor to see what strategies he was using  to be so successful. I mean this guy was pulling in over 7K a month. His MCA website, right now is worth almost $50K and its only been up since May or June of 2012! Now that I think about, if he's making that kind of money, maybe he was TOO busy to reply to my request for tutorship. I mean, I did pay him hard earned money. Anyhow, he never replied to the message I sent him. Don't get me wrong, I have no hard feelings towards him whatsoever and have had some minute communication with him recently.

For more info on MCA click here ------> MAKE MONEY WEEKLY!

So lets get to some solution and resolution here today. There are ways to combat and ward off the effects of being abandoned by you your sponsor. Let me name a few of the sources for the medicinal remedies I've come across that have assisted me in being even more successful. For example, you can find tips and tricks videos on, help groups on facebook and even I myself, Shekels7. Two weeks ago I just had a gentlemen call me from Florida because he saw one of my videos on youtube. See?! There goes a tip right there. If you haven't yet, I suggest you start to post videos on about what you're doing so you get people interested. I'd be more than happy to give the links to the facebook help groups, for a reasonable trade of which I'm sure you will not refuse. Sound good? Great! 

For more info on MCA click here ------> MAKE MONEY WEEKLY!

Ok, so what I need you for you to do is go to my MCA- Motor Club of America fan page by clicking
here ------> Shekels7 MCA Fanpage. Once you do that, I need you to leave a comment on this blog stating that you've liked my fan page, and I'll invite you into the facebook help groups. Also as another bonus. I will induct you into my secret facebook group which is riddled with all types of tips, tricks, and services to increase your success with and never ever have to say "HELP Shekels7! I've Been Abandoned By My Motor Club Of America Sponsor"! Again, you've been reading this blog post and are unfamiliar with what I've been talking about, I suggest you click here ------> MAKE MONEY WEEKLY!. Go ahead and click the link. What do you have to lose by doing such a thing lol?

Peace and blessings,
Ilataza Ban- Yasharahla
A.k.a. Shekels7
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